Controls, Blocks and Blocks Groups

Controls, Blocks and Blocks Groups

In this article we'll discuss about Botgento Controls, Blocks and Blocks Groups which is essential component for every messages.

Controls are the basic component of a bot messages. They can be anything like simple text, images, audio or video. 

Here, each control has it's own elements and property. You can find this controls inside Broadcast, Welcome Message, and Blocks section.

Blocks are collection of multiple controls. When you setup block as bot response, user will receive all the controls which are added into that block. You can associate different block by linking to each other using button with Blocks as button type in Text, Gallery or List control.

You will find all your saved block at Botgento Dashboard >> Blocks page. By clicking on any of the blocks, the controls associate to that block will loaded on left side. See above image for more details.

Blocks Groups
You can create bundle of blocks as group for your convenient and easily identify your blocks location. 

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